
Showing posts from August, 2019

3 Factors To Consider Before Choosing A Wheelchair Ramp

While shopping for wheelchair ramps, it is crucial that you stay as informed as possible about your options. There are some key factors to take into consideration whether you’re looking for used aluminum wheelchair ramps or any kind of ramp. If you pay attention to these facets, you’ll likely invest in a wheelchair ramp that is best suited for your unique needs. Your mobility device If you’re not sure about the mobility device you use, you’ll put yourself in a risk of selecting a ramp that is too small, or a ramp that can’t handle the weight of your scooter or wheelchair. It is important to jot down its length and width, as well as what you think the total combined weight of the device, accessories, user, and caregiver (if applicable) will be. The vertical rise The rise is another name for the height of the step or steps you’ll be rolling over. When you know the rise, you’ll be able to calculate the length of ramp you need so that the incline won’t...

3 Reasons To Get A Residential Elevator At Your Home

Incorporating structures like elevators is a good way to help our elders. As they have problems in taking different flights of stairs, you need to look at a solution which caters to their needs. Getting residential elevators installed is one way to get this done. You can start by searching for the best residential elevators on sale   and later installing them. Here is a list of some of the reasons that will help you make an informed decision about buying a residential elevator. 1. Assist Mobility The primary use of residential elevators is that it can be used to ease the mobility for the elders. If you have a house which has more than two flights of floors, you should get a residential elevator. You can go on to choose from the two types of elevators. One of them is with a hoistway and the other does not require the hoistway. Select an elevator according to your needs. 2. Enhance Security  When you live in a house which has elevators, you live i...